Notification Service

The Securities Class Action World Is Hectic. We'll Put It in Order.

With over a hundred new settlements as well as hundreds of new cases filed each year, keeping up with the class action world is tricky and time-consuming. For brokers and other nominees obligated to providing court notices to clients, it is a drag on resources.

CCC makes staying informed a cinch. We'll let you know about every change as it happens through our Notification System. Learn about:

  • New US settlements
  • Pending US litigations with upcoming exclusion deadlines
  • New US class actions, both securities and financial antitrust
  • New foreign litigations
  • Recent distributions
  • Key changes to any litigation, such as extended deadlines, expanded class periods, and additional identifier information.

    And more. When you let CCC become your single source for the world of financial class actions, you and your team are then free to work for your clients and to focus on the markets.

    The Benefits of a Single Source

    Download The Presentation  
    Brokers, nominees, and trust departments are under pressure from competition, courts, and even class counsel to keep their clients abreast of everything happening in litigations. In some instances, there can even be fall-out from a client missing a notice and later asking for compensation for a deadline missed, a recovery opportunity lost.

    With CCC, brokers, nominees, and bank trust departments, (among other institutional investors), can rest easy. CCC scours the legal world all day, every day, to ensure that our clients miss nothing. Whenever we find a new case or an important update, we immediately make changes to our database and our website. Keeping up with the vast world of financial litigations becomes as simple as checking your inbox or logging into our client portal.

    Call us today at 312-204-6970, and we can start sending notifications to your inbox.

    Tired of setting up email alerts, checking both physical and email inboxes, and praying that you never miss an important case? Have notifications delivered directly to you, and you'll have peace of mind.

  • More News from the Class Action World

    Case Name: Qualcomm

    Settlement Fund: $75,000,000

    Claim Filing Deadline: 11/8/2024

    Class Period: 2/1/2012 -- 1/20/2017

    H... Read More

    Case Name: Uber Technologies

    Settlement Fund: $200,000,000

    Claim Filing Deadline: 11/20/2024

    Class Period: 5/10/2019 - 11/5/2019

    Class definition: All persons and e... Read More

    Last month, the philosopher and New York Times "Ethicist" columnist Kwame Anthony Appiah fielded a reader question near and dear to our hearts: should I file this class action claim?Read More

    Case Name: Under Armour

    Settlement Fund: $434,000,000

    Claim Filing Deadline: 11/12/2024

    Class Period: 9/16/2015 - 11/1/2019

    Class definition: All persons and entities who ... Read More

    Three mega-settlements? COOL.

    Wait... What's a mega-settlement?

    Good question: "mega-settlement" is an informal term used throughout the class action industry and can be in the eye of the beholder, but a common definition is the one that Cornerstone Research uses:... Read More

    Case Name: Alphabet

    Read More

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    Case Name: Read More

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