
CUSIP Search

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Need to Keep Your Data In-House? No Problem!

For our trading firm and hedge fund clients, data security and privacy are paramount. That's why we developed CCC's CUSIP Search, an optional service that enables clients to leverage CCC's securities class action expertise in the privacy (and security) of their own firm.

CCC's CUSIP Search provides identifiers for all past and current settlements. The client then extracts only the matching positions and transactions for CCC to access for filing securities claims. You can pull either a comprehensive identifier list or select only the identifiers relevant to you.

Take It from There, Or Leave the Rest to Us
Once you have generated your report you can use it to scan your own trade data for potential claims. If you find qualifying trades, you are ready to file. However, if the idea of dealing with the correspondence and drudgery of the claim filing process is a bit too much, just let us know. We are happy to file à la carte claims for hedge funds and trading firms.

Give us a call today at 312-204-6970
Give us a call today, and we can further discuss this simple, secure, and smart solution for hedge funds.

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I could go on and on, but bottom line, the fees being charged are much less than what I was spending in house to file and this is just one less thing I have to spend time trying to figure out how to complete on a consistent basis. Dealing with the CCC staff has been a very positive thing.

- National Bank

We were spending countless hours on class action claims before we signed on with CCC in January. Matt Murray and their technical team ensured our data transmission was seamless and secure. We found everyone at CCC to be professional, courteous, and accommodating.

- Savings Bank

Signing with CCC has made a huge difference. Before, it was horrible. We had to print thousands of pieces of paper, invite clients to come in and sit down with us to show them where to find the transactions, how to input them into the Proof of Claim forms. Now it's simple. It’s very nice to be able to tell our client, “You can shred that Proof of Claim form because CCC has it taken care of.

- Registered Investment Advisor

Your client reporting portal and customer service is the reason we chose Chicago Clearing. I send the data on an annual basis to CCC and they take it from there. My clients are protected (if there is a class action, it is getting filed), the Bank is protected (we are meeting our fiduciary obligation by filing the claims).

- Bank

Contact Us

404 South Wells St., Suite 600,
Chicago, IL 60607 – United States
Phone: (312) 204-6970

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Chicago Clearing Corporation is the
industry leader in class-action services.

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